What should I consider when choosing a role?

To have success you still need to choose a role and skill set to target. Picking a role is mostly about picking a direction. Titles in the industry widely vary company to company. To expect consistency between companies is a waste of time. When it comes to applying, be flexible in role titles of companies that you apply to, good advise for applying is "pay attention more to the job description content than the title".

How do I build confidence in my learning path for my role?

Summarise your learning plan in a simple way, such as your target role, and the skills you're thinking to learn. Share this learning plan with around ~5 other professionals.

The role I want is: ..............
The five skills I will learn are: 

Don't take all the advice you get from everyone, but consider all the information. Take a best guess at the most important skill for you to learn next and focus on that for 2 weeks to 2 months (depending on the skill). Execute. Don't look back, don't 2nd guess yourself. Execute. Then, when you're finished learning that to sufficient depth, reflect on your learning plan and repeat.

Are there any skill roadmaps I can follow?

When picking a role, you'll probably want to create your own learning plan. Here is a list of various learning plans for inspiration.

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